About Barbarossa
At Grainli®, we're deeply immersed in the business of trading plant-based resources, with a particular focus on malting barley. Our ambition stretched beyond merely discussing other beers; we aspired to craft our very own signature beer. In collaboration with seasoned brewers, we gave life to the brand 'Barbarossa I am'. Our initial offering included four distinct beers, of which three were meticulously barrel-aged to perfection: a refreshing Gose, a rich and robust Imperial Stout, a smooth and complex Porter, and the traditional Hansebock.
The inspiration for the name of our beers comes from the historical figure Friedrich I, commonly known as Barbarossa. He is famously associated with granting Hamburg the 'Freibrief', a pivotal decree that empowered the city to flourish in the trading of beer and grain. This historical connection not only enriches our brand's identity but also pays homage to a significant era in Hamburg's storied brewing history.
The second part, which can still be found in the logo - „I am“ - is derived from the podcast which we did for some time, which was called „Beer I am“.
The project was once planned as a one of product range, but we decided to further invest in this project due to the high degree of positive feedback we have received for these beers. So we are currently expanding our reach, sales and product range.
Where to find us
If you want to buy our beer in a local store or bar (we are on tap in some locations!) then you can search here to find a location near you. Please note that we have only started selling in different locations. Most of these will be located in or around Hamburg. If you want to be able to buy our beer in a location near you – feel free to recommend us or make suggestions!